Heal(y) YOURSELF - Quantum Physics & health
Sat, 14 Nov
share, understand and explore holistic self-aid techniques & tools based on the principles of Quantum Physics - 'Healy', 'Waterfall', Tonglen and PEP - photo: the rich inner life of a living human cell !

Zeit & Ort
14 Nov 2020, 16:00 – 18:30
in ZÜRICH, ..... to define
mit Gemma, Coach & Facilitator
In this group we SHARE, UNDERSTAND and EXPLORE holistic self-aid techniques and tools based on the principles of QUANTUM PHYSICS.
I am looking forward to introduce you to ...
HEALY - a cunning elektronic little gadget based on the principles of QUANTUM PHYSICS that all is vibration, energy and information.
Healy is able to read your present bodily level of vibration and can send you the needed bioenergetic frequencies to support your physical, mental and emotional health as well as your personal efforts to thrive in life and reach your goals.
to accompany your personal process I recommend:
the WATERFALL - a beautiful consciousness exercise to gain distance to an emotionally challenging situation and learn to OBSERVE your mind's spinning while you regain balance.
TONGLEN - a simple powerful tibetan awareness practice to help you heal with your moments of despair & pain while growing in COURAGE & COMPASSION.
and finally PEP - a tapping technique that leads to rapid and astonishing results in terms of stress relief.
ENERGY BALANCE - 30 CHF / minimum number of perticipants is 3, max 10
LANGUAGE - English and/or Deutsch
LOCATION in Zürich - will be announced according to number of partecipants
NEXT DATE - Friday November 20, 6.30 - 9 pm
photo: the rich inner life of a living human cell