Language connects us
with ourselves
and with others
born in *1955
my father being Swiss
my mother Italian
I love people and their stories
horses, cats, spicy food, all seasons
and the mountains
Life challenges us in continuation and on all levels
physically, mentally, emotionally.
Partly it compels us, partly it inspires us
to always discover new paths .. to walk them
and give meaning, color and direction to our life
the offer
explore & advocate your personal well-being
weigh up, prepare and make decisions
own what is yours - respect what is foreign
language towards communication & connection
impulses for growth and change
Steve deShazer, Pema Chödrön,
Marshall B. Rosenberg,
Brené Brown, Ester Ekhart
elements of constellation work​
the tools
to understand and express yourself
and relate to the world ..
observe, hear, feel, breathe, move
act, stillness and language
free 20 Minutes to get to know each other
individual sessions 80.- per 60 Min
couple's session 150.- per 90 Min
reductions on request
we can meet in person
online or in writing