SHARING CIRCLE - online weekly
Wed, 29 Apr
SHARING is CARING presence and resonance ..

Zeit & Ort
29 Apr 2020, 18:30 – 20:00
mit Gemma, Coach & Facilitator
Like all explorers, we are drawn to discover what’s out there,
without knowing, if we have the courage to face it.
Pema Chödrön
Are you LOOKING FOR open hearted people to share and reflect your present experience?
I OFFER a weekly multilingual SHARING CIRCLE - every Wednesday from 6.30 to 8 pm ..
YOU BRING whatever is alive in you - may it be joy, may it be sorrow, doubt, or anger ..
THE CIRCLE will listen, offering presence and - if invited to do so - sharing what resonates ..
TOGETHER we experiment with simple practices for emotional selfcare:
TONGLEN (loving Tibetan Buddhist practice)
PEP (efficient western tapping practice, based on chinese Meridian system)
NVC (the art of connecting language by Rosenberg).
This ONLINE SHARING CIRCLE takes place every Wednesday evening, from 6.30 pm to approximately 8 pm.
The first LANGUAGES in the Circle could be Deutsch + English ... followed by Italiano, Español, Français, Portuguese.
Participation fee is 15 CHF (prepayment)
The circle takes place with a minimum of 3 participants (including myself).
If you wish to participate .. log in to on SKYPE (min. 24 hours before the event helps me getting organised.
Please leave a message on Skype on which date exactly you wish to take part. Thank you.
I will then call + connect everybody on the evening itself.
Pre-Payment options
1 - via this site ..
2 - via paypal to:
3 - via Twint to: G. Staub / 079 730 93 60
4 - via online banking to: IBAN CH12 0070 0111 3011 6576 7 G. Staub, ZKB Neumünster
Booking Info
Sharing Circle - online weekly
Presence and Resonance TONGLEN, NVC und PEP Sharing is Caring
CHF 15.00Sale ended
CHF 0.00